Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Chemo Treatment #4

Just when I thought I was getting used to this...Treatment #4 hit me like a ton of bricks on a Sunday afternoon in Fletcher Park. Sipping on a shandy when I should have been woofing down water, I ended up couch side instead of poolside. By the time we made it back to Vlad's house I was overwhelmed with nausea and oppressive fatigue. Instead of ending our weekend with some bruschetta and sparkling wine, we spent the rest of our evening on the couch watching Episode 1 of the Last Season (#6) of Lost--well, Vlad did anyway. I just kinda of laid there and held on. I don't recall much other than Vlad going crazy because the rest of Season 6 is not online until August 25th.

Unfortunately Monday did not bring any relief. I had a jam packed schedule I felt I could not ignore so I wrapped a scarf around my head and suffered through the day as best I could. I must have looked close to death because people stayed away...only a few brave souls came in with wide open stares to ask if they could get me anything. I kept telling myself to go home, but the thought of moving too much made my stomach swirl as if I was on roller coaster. Somehow I found myself back on the couch shortly after 5pm and I didn't get up again until 8pm. I forced myself to take a short walk just around the block. I remember each step feeling heavy and the pavement pulsing as if I would fall into it.

Now I know what my dog felt like when we had to give it arsenic to kill the heart worms that had invaded his heart. It's a mixed up world when you have to feed a body poison to get better. These drugs I'm taking feel like fire coursing through my veins and the only thing that banks this under your skin burn is water.

It's Tuesday night and I just returned from a longer walk..I made it out of Vlad's neighborhood this time. I actually feel better having walked for an hour and I want to eat something. Vlad bought a sampling of frozen yogurt to try....that sounds pretty good. I think I'll dig in.


  1. Sounds absolutely dreadful! Here's to better days ahead. Keep on trucking, girl. Vlad, only a few more days until another installment of 'Lost'. So glad you found this outlet during these trying times.


  2. Stay strong, Christine. I cannot imagine what you're feeling, despite your vivid description. I only wish we could help share your burden. Only two more treatments to go.

