I had my third treatment on July 15th. My white blood count was very low going into the Treatment--2.5 (4 is low for a healthy person)--so the doc insisted I take the nasty neupogene shots for seven days. On the sixth day I had terrible cramping and headaches so I said enough is enough and skipped the last one. My follow up lab on July 24th showed a white blood cell count of 14 (10 is high for a healthy person). The highest I've been after a week of neupogene is 45 (#1) and then 26 (#2) and then 14 (#3)...so looks like the biggest challenge for me is keeping my white blood cells at a healthy level. I see more Neupogene in my future. I suppose I've been lucky not having had any infections because I'm not much of a housekeeper, I refuse to buy Clorox wipes, and I'm doing a poor job of washing my veges and fruits. Hey! At least I'm not eating raw cookie dough and sushi.
The Ten Terrible Days following Treatment went much better this time. I purposely took less nausea meds, which I think helped with my appetite. I still preferred Wasa crackers, poached eggs and dry toast, but I was able to eat more. I also ate small amounts throughout the day, which may have been what kept the nausea from building. The worst day was Day 5...I was basically incapacitated with fatigue. Have you ever suffered from fatigue? I've been tired before, but never in my life have I not been able to get myself out of bed. I stayed home and basically went in and out of sleep the entire day. I didn't even have the energy to read or watch anything on Vlad's big screen TV. When Vlad came home from work I forced myself to get up and go for a walk. We went to Lake Johnson and walked very slowly around the lake. I had to tell Vlad to slow down. Fortunately, I felt better the next day and was able to return to work, although at times I was quite dizzy.
I'm into week #2 and feeling better. The tired feeling comes in waves...and so do other symptoms, which seems strange to me. One minute I'm feeling fine, the next I have a slick taste in my mouth, my heart is beating hard, and I have to lay down.
Vlad tried to get a picture of me up close...but my eyes would not cooperate. We thought the pictures altogether made for a funny composition....

Treatment #4 is August 5th--fortunately, after the July month end close at work. Vlad and I plan to take advantage of the coming weekend before I start another Ten Days of Crude. The good news is the tumor is shrinking and I am meeting with a Duke surgeon on August 25th. I would like to discuss the possibility of having the surgery while I'm on chemo rather than waiting until October. I'd like to get what's left over of that nasty lump out of my body. Now that we have confirmed that my particular cancer is being impacted by the chemo drugs, why continue to wait to remove the original tumor?

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